About us

Indian XXX bf is innocent sex videos site which brings in new and best desi content for our visitors. This site is managed by IndianPornEmpire, same company which also owns Savita bhabhi and Antarvasna among many of other popular adult sites in India.

All the videos added on this site are manually checked for the legality and the quality. We refrain from posting dull visuals and noisy crap stuff on our site. Each video will add some value to your porn fantasy and we are confident you would want to come back to us for more desi sex videos!

We make sure to keep it strictly desi. You can check out our various flavors of porn across various regions of India.

We have a dedicated team of porn finders who find juicy clips and add it here for you. All the videos are hosted on our servers and we strive to have no or least buffering times for you (if your connection speed is good!).

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